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Systeemdenken met Donella H. Meadows
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There are no separate systems. The world is a continuum. Where to draw a boundary around a system depends on the purpose of the discussion.

Donella H. Meadows,

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 13 februari 2021 12:13  
4 categorieën Metrics volgens Jurgen Appelo
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metrics jurgen appelo

Jurgen Appelo maakt onderscheid tussen vier categorieën metrics:

(1) Productiviteit
(2) Output
(3) Outcome
(4) Impact

In het bovenstaande Four Categories of Metrics-filmpje (39:14m) geeft hij een duidelijke uitleg en het is dan ook zeker een aanrader.

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 20 februari 2021 08:48  
Teaching in blended learning environments (boekentip)
Gepubliceerd in Boeken over Lean Six Sigma
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teaching blended learning environments norman vaughan

Teaching in Blended Learning Environments
Creating and Sustaining Communities of Inquiry
Norman D. Vaughan, Martha Cleveland-Innes & D. Randy Garrison

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Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 30 januari 2021 14:28  
Innovatief kijken met Steve Jobs
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Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity - not a threat.

Steve Jobs

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 13 februari 2021 12:12  
4 ingrediënten voor goede prestaties volgens Harold D. Stolovitch, Erica J. Keeps
Gepubliceerd in Bluff Your Way Into
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kpi pi kritische kritieke prestatie-indicator

Harold D. Stolovitch en Erica J. Keeps beschrijven in het boek Know-How - The Definitive Book on Skill and Knowledge Transfer for Occasional Trainers, Experts, Coaches, and Anyone Helping Others Learn vier ingrediënten die bepalend zijn voor het leveren van goede prestaties:

job aid harold Harold Stolovitch Erica Keeps

Let's examine the ingredients that go into the application of capability to perform, especially of anything new:

(1) Skill

[T]he ability to do something. The skilled person owns this skill, which can take many forms: o physical (dance the tango, hit a target using a bow and arrow, or type 100 words a minute) o verbal (recite a lengthy poem, spell complicated words, or accurately describe the actions and recite players' names during a fast-moving soccer match) o analytical (diagnose a noisy car engine, solve a mathematical problem, select the best strategy for achieving a goal) o artistic (walk a tightrope, sing an operatic aria, or paint a lush landscape).

(2) Competency

[A]bility that is required for a job, such as suturing a wound, baking a sourdough baguette, or providing accurate and complete directions to a tourist. You always begin with the job to define required competencies. You assess people to identify their relevant skills. You then seek to match a person's skills with job competency requirements. If you cannot perfectly match these, you find those with similar skill sets and suitable characteristics, and then train them to meet the needed competency standards.

(3) Performance

[T]he outcome of doing a task that leads to an accomplishment. (For example, slicing a bagel = doing. Slicing a bagel into two equal halves with smooth surfaces and no injuries = performance.) A person needs competency to perform. In the know-how transfer process, acquisition of performance capability is targeted, and the novice learner becomes equipped to perform.

(4) Motivation

[A] person's internal state, which drives them to engage, act, and persist at doing something. (For example, run a marathon, help a person in trouble, memorize the elements of the periodic table, or convert a customer service request into a successful add-on sale.) Without motivation, while know-how transfer may be present, it is inert because the learner lacks the propelling motivational component to push for application of what they have acquired.

Bron: Know-How - The Definitive Book on Skill and Knowledge Transfer for Occasional Trainers, Experts, Coaches, and Anyone Helping Others Learn, Harold D. Stolovitch, Erica J. Keeps


Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 20 februari 2021 08:18  
4 effectieve leerprincipes volgens Agarwal & Bain
Gepubliceerd in Bluff Your Way Into
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leren learn

Wessel Peeters bespreekt in het artikel Powerful teaching: een boek vol lestips voor leerstrategieën het boek Powerful Teaching - Unleash the Science of Learning van Pooja Agarwal en Patrice Bain. De auteurs stellen dat er op basis van onderzoek is vastgesteld dat er vier effectieve leerprincipes (‘powertools’) zijn:

(1) Het testen van jezelf (Retrieval pratice)

powerful teaching unleash science learning pooja agarwal patrice bain

Retrieval practice boosts learning by pulling information out of students' heads, rather than cramming information into students heads.

(2) Het spreiden van leren in de tijd (Spaced practice)

powerful teaching unleash science learning pooja agarwal patrice bain

Spaced practice boosts learning by spreading lessons and retrieval opportunities out over time so learning is not crammed all at once.

(3) Het afwisselen van vraagtypes (Interleaved practice)

powerful teaching unleash science learning pooja agarwal patrice bain

Interleaving boosts learning by mixing up closely related topics, encouraging discrimination between similarities and differences.

(4) Het actief ontvangen en verwerken van feedback (Feedback-gedreven metacognitie)

powerful teaching unleash science learning pooja agarwal patrice bain

Feedback-driven metacognition boosts learning by providing the opportunity for students to know what they know and know what they don't know.


Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 20 februari 2021 15:13  
Job aids volgens Harold D. Stolovitch, Erica J. Keeps
Gepubliceerd in Bluff Your Way Into
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performance support you work here

In het boek Know-How - The Definitive Book on Skill and Knowledge Transfer for Occasional Trainers, Experts, Coaches, and Anyone Helping Others Learn wijzen Harold D. Stolovitch en Erica J. Keeps op het nut en de noodzaak van het werken met job aids:

job aid harold Harold Stolovitch Erica Keeps

Job Aids Rule

Whenever possible, create and apply job aids to produce successful performance. In fact, well-constructed job aids can often replace training. Successful job aid use produces instant performance results. (For example, use a train timetable rather than show how to obtain information about train arrivals and departures. The only training required would be on how to use the job aid if it is not intuitive.

Bron: Know-How - The Definitive Book on Skill and Knowledge Transfer for Occasional Trainers, Experts, Coaches, and Anyone Helping Others Learn, Harold D. Stolovitch, Erica J. Keeps


Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 20 februari 2021 08:09  
Leren volgens Donella H. Meadows
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We know a tremendous amount about how the world works, but not nearly enough. Our knowledge is amazing; our ignorance even more so. We can improve our understanding, but we can't make it perfect.

Donella H. Meadows

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 20 februari 2021 12:53  
Know-how (boekentip)
Gepubliceerd in Boeken over Lean Six Sigma
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know-how harold stolovithc erica keeps

The Definitive Book on Skill and Knowledge Transfer for Occasional Trainers, Experts, Coaches, and Anyone Helping Others Learn
Harold D. Stolovitch, Erica J. Keeps

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Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 20 februari 2021 08:10  
Systeemdenken met John Seddon
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Top-down rules reduce an organisation's ability to deal with variety.

John Seddon

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 13 februari 2021 12:10  


Wisdom begins in wonder.




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