A Systems Thinker is a person who has learned to reverse our natural tendency to fragment the world around us in order to gain understanding, by looking for wholes and the interrelationships that make those wholes a system.
Barry Richmond
Systeemdenken volgens Barry Richmond
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Citaten: systeemdenken
sept 03 2014 A Systems Thinker is a person who has learned to reverse our natural tendency to fragment the world around us in order to gain understanding, by looking for wholes and the interrelationships that make those wholes a system. Tags:
Succes volgens Chris Bollwage
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Citaten: motivatie
sept 03 2014 The only difference between dreams and achievements is hard work.
Hardlopen: mogelijke intensiteit hardlooptraining
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Bluff Your Way Into
sept 02 2014 De intensiteit van een hardlooptraining kan worden aangegeven in termen van hartslag of snelheid. In de onderstaande tabel worden de mogelijke intensiteiten weergegeven verdeeld over vijf zones. De terminologie en methode verschillen, maar de intensiteiten verschillen eigenlijk nauwelijks.
* HF-max = maximale hartslagfrequentie. HF anaerobe drempel = hartslagfrequentie van het omslagpunt, de zgn. anaerobe drempel. Bij een goed getrainde loper is de HF-anaerobe drempel 15-20 slagen lager dan de HF-max. Tags: Reactie toevoegen
Systeemdenken volgens Peter Senge (9)
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Citaten: systeemdenken
sept 02 2014 When placed in the same system, people, however different, tend to produce similar results.
Veranderen volgens Ray Norda
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Citaten: verandermanagement
sept 02 2014 Cause change and lead;
Systeemdenken volgens Russel Ackoff (9)
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Citaten: systeemdenken
sept 01 2014 Managers are not confronted with separate problems but with situations that consist of complex systems of strongly interacting problems. I call such situations messes.
Marillion: The Invisble Man
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Te mooi voor woorden
aug 31 2014
Optimistisch met D. Elder
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Citaten: dromen, durven doen
aug 31 2014 Dreamers look into the future and see promise. Those who do not dream only see the future. Tags:
Succes volgens Thomas J. Vilord
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Citaten: persoonlijke effectiviteit
aug 30 2014 If you have a burning desire and a plan to take action, there is absolutely nothing you cannot achieve.
Overtref je verwachtingen met Mike Litman
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Citaten: persoonlijke effectiviteit
aug 29 2014 The fastest way to pass your own expectations is to add passion to your labor. Mike Litman |
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