One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it, you have no certainty, until you try.
Leren volgens Sophocles
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jan 12 2020 One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it, you have no certainty, until you try. Tags:
Leren volgens Lee Iaccoa
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jan 09 2020 Formal learning can teach you a great deal; but many of the essential skills in life are the ones you have to develop on your own. Tags:
Nieuwjaar volgens Rainer Maria Rilke
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jan 06 2020 And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.
Coachen volgens Fokke & Sukke
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jan 01 2020
Proactief met Stephen R. Covey
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dec 29 2019
If you're proactive, you don't have to wait for circumstances or other people to create perspective expanding experiences. You can consciously create your own. Stephen R. Covey
Leren volgens Mike Rother
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dec 16 2019
Any situation that involves uncertainty is where learning your way forward via scientific thinking (instead of trying to decide your way forward) is important. Mike Rother
Wees proactief volgens Oprah Winfrey
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dec 10 2019 Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create.
Focus volgens Steve Jobs
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okt 26 2019 [T]here are measures of focus, and one of them is how often you say no.
Lifehacking met Mark Twain
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okt 11 2019 De twee belangrijkste dagen van je leven zijn je geboorte en de dag dat je erachter komt ‘waarom’. Tags:
Succes volgens Pelé
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sept 19 2019 Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing.
Leren volgens Eliyahy M. Goldratt
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sept 08 2019 Progress in understanding requires that we challenge basic assumptions about how the world is and why it is that way.
Sadomasochistisch succesvol met Marissa Mayer
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sept 01 2019 I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that is how you grow.
Ego-marketing met Jay Danzie
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aug 30 2019 Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after having an experience with you becomes your trademark.
Passioneel succesvol volgens Jen Welter
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aug 29 2019 If you want to be succesful in this world, you have to follow your passion, not a paycheck.
Situationeel succesvol met Sun Tzu
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aug 24 2019 Do not repeat the tactics which you have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances.
Het belang van vragen stellen volgens Edgar H. Schein
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aug 09 2019 Questions are taken for granted rather than given a starring role in the human drama. Yet all my teaching and consulting experience has taught me that what builds a relationship, what solves problems, what moves things forward is asking the right questions.
Commitment volgens Gyuri Vergouw
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juli 27 2019 In het boek Commitment - de belofte van betrokkenheid en bevlogenheid in organisaties beschrijft Gyuri Vergouw wat hij verstaat onder 'commitment': Speurtocht naar commitment De vastlegging van beloften, waarbij betrokkenen zich op een bepaald moment bereid verklaren en verbinden om concreet gedrag op een ander moment te vertonen. Men heeft hierbij sterke betrokkenheid, emotioneel, moreel en/of intellectueel, bij de eindresultaten en kiest hier bewust en zelfstandig voor. De belofte is vrijwillig, niet vrijblijvend. Ik vind zo'n definitie belangrijk. Het zet zaken een beetje op scherp. Anders blijft het allemaal bij goedbedoelde intenties en ontstaan er geen concrete acties. Wollig taalgebruik ligt namelijk altijd op de loer terwijl we het in essentie toch zo goed bedoelen. Bron: Commitment - de belofte van betrokkenheid en bevlogenheid in organisaties, Gyuri Vergouw
Strategie volgens Sun Tzu
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juli 06 2019 Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.
Waardevolle besluitvaardigheid volgen Roy E. Disney
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juli 05 2019 It´s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.
Focus volgens Publius Syrius
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juli 03 2019
Focus volgens Confucius
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juni 25 2019 Person who chases two rabbits catches neither.
Time management volgens Arthur Schopenhauer
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jan 20 2019 Ordinary people think merely how they will spend their time, a man of intellect tries to use it.
Gedisciplinaird op weg naar je doel met Stephen R. Covey
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dec 14 2018 Discipline derives from disciple - disciple to a philosophy, to a set of principles, to a set of values, to an overriding purpose, to a superordinate goal or a person who represents that goal.
Leren volgens Kenneth Arrow
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dec 08 2018 Learning is the product of experience. Learning can only take place through the attempt to solve a problem and therefore only takes place during activity. Tags:
Lifehacking volgens Taco Oosterkamp
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dec 03 2018 Harder werken kan iedereen.
Leren volgens Brian Herbert
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nov 29 2018 The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice. Tags:
De kennisoverdrachttest volgens Richard
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nov 27 2018 The ultimate test of your knowledge is your capacity to convey it to another.
Verspreidende verlichting volgens Edith Wharton
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nov 26 2018 There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
(Hoger) doelgericht volgens Denis Waitley
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nov 08 2018 No man or woman is an island. To exist just for yourself is meaningless. You can achieve the most satisfaction when you feel related to some greater purpose in life, something greater than yourself.
Procesgericht volgens Eric Thomas
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okt 12 2018 Fall in love with the process, and the results will come.
Groeimindset met Goethe
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sept 27 2018 Behandel iemand zoals hij is en hij blijft zoals hij is. Behandel iemand zoals hij zou kunnen zijn en hij wordt wie hij kan zijn. Tags:
Identiële leugens volgens Henri Nouwen
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sept 26 2018 Five lies of identity: 1) I am what I have. 2) I am what I do. 3) I am what other people say or think of me. 4) I am nothing more than my worst moment. 5) I am nothing less than my best moment. Tags:
Succes volgens Barbara Corcoran
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sept 20 2018 The difference between successful people and others is how long they spend time feeling sorry for themselves. Tags:
Doelgericht pragmatisch met Abraham Lincoln
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sept 18 2018 Determine that the thing can and shall be done and then we shall find the way.
Leren volgens David Marquet
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sept 09 2018 One of the things that limits our learning is our belief that we already know something.
Het geheim van extreem succesvolle mensen volgens Lewis Howes
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sept 07 2018 The difference between successful people and extremely successful people is that extremely successful people learn to say No more that successful people.
Proactief volgens William Shakespeare
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juli 15 2018 It is not in the stars
Geduldig succesvol met Benjamin Franklin
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juni 12 2018 Patience is bitter, but the fruit can be sweet.
Beperkend meesterschap volgens Charles Augustin Saint-Beuve
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mei 11 2018 De conclusie is: als je succes wilt hebben, beperk jezelf.
Start with why volgens Bill Walsh
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apr 30 2018 If your why is strong enough you will figure out how! Bill Walsh
Doelgericht dromen met Peter Darbo
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apr 11 2018
Klein beginnen met Lao Tzu
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apr 09 2018
Leren volgens Elliot Masie
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mrt 23 2018
De kunst van oorlogvoeren volgens Sun Tzu
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mrt 21 2018 Hij die de vijand en zichzelf kent, zal in geen honderd gevechten in gevaar zijn; hij die de vijand niet kent maar wel zichzelf zal soms winnen en soms verliezen; hij die noch de vijand noch zichzelf kent, zal in ieder gevecht gevaar lopen.
Prestatiemanagement volgens Ray Kroc
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mrt 20 2018
Goede gewoonten volgens Confucius
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feb 16 2018 Men's natures are alike; it is their habits that carry them apart.
Eenvoud is meesterschap volgens Godfried Bomans
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jan 25 2018 Eenvoud is niet het kenmerk van de beginner. Het is de duur bevochten stempel van de meester Tags:
Ken je beperkingen volgens Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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jan 24 2018 The man with insight enough to admit his limitations comes nearest to perfection.
Gedurfd groeien met Marissa Mayer
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jan 20 2018 I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that is how you grow.
Omdenken met Arthur Golden
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jan 10 2018 A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory. |
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