• Vergroot lettergrootte
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Comfortabel veranderen met Eliyahy M. Goldratt
Gepubliceerd in Citaten: verandermanagement
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When people are operating within their comfort zone, you can expect open minds and action; when they are pushed outside their comfort zone, expect hesitance and resistance.

Eliyahu M. Goldratt

Laatst aangepast op maandag, 04 mei 2020 07:44  
Formeel en informeel leren volgens Jan Willem van de Boogert
Gepubliceerd in Bluff Your Way Into
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leren learn

Jan Willem van den Boogert beschrijft in zijn boek Praktijkgericht opleiden - al doende leren in de beroepspraktijk het verschil tussen formeel leren en informeel leren:

praktijkgericht opleiden jan willem boogert leren beroepspraktijk

Formeel en informeel leren

Met formeel leren wordt het opdoen van leerervaringen bedoeld in een geconstrueerde setting: een cursus, een training, een leergang, een coachingsgesprek, of in andere kaders. Doorgaans wordt formeel leren begeleid door iemand die daartoe is opgeleid. De tegenpool: het informele leren is het leren dat verloopt in een niet-georganiseerde setting. Heel veel leren in werksituaties en ook in het dagelijks leven verloopt op informele wijze.

Als we kijken naar wat we tot nu toe geleerd hebben, zullen we ontdekken dat we zowel in formele kaders als in informele situaties hebben geleerd. Zo hebben veel mensen zich zonder enige cursus computerprogramma's eigen gemaakt, en heeft iemand die ik laatst sprak, leren zeilen door met een klein bootje het water op te gaan.

Bron: Praktijkgericht opleiden - al doende leren in de beroepspraktijk, Jan Willem van den Boogert

Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 18 april 2020 18:30  
Managem memory for deeper learning (boekentip)
Gepubliceerd in Boeken over Lean Six Sigma
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manage memory deeper learning patti shank

Manage Memory for Deeper Learning
21 Evidence-Based and Easy-To-Apply Tactics That Support Memory While Learning and Beyond
Patti Shank

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Laatst aangepast op woensdag, 29 april 2020 08:05  
Leiderschap volgens Noel Tichy
Gepubliceerd in Citaten: leiderschap
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The ultimate test for a leader is not
whether he or she makes smart decisions and
takes decisive action, but whether he or she
teaches others to be leaders...

Noel Tichy

Laatst aangepast op maandag, 04 mei 2020 07:43  
Advieswerk in verwaarloosde organisaties (boekentip)
Gepubliceerd in Boeken over management
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advieswerk verwaarloosde organisaties adviseurs joost kampen

Advieswerk in verwaarloosde organisaties
Theorie en praktijk voor externe en interne adviseurs
Joost Kampen

Bij Bol.com | Managementboek


Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 09 mei 2020 18:35  
Degenererende beslissingsbevoegdheid volgens C.N. Parkinson
Gepubliceerd in Citaten: management
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The man who is denied the opportunity of taking decisions of importance begins to regard as important the decisions he is allowed to take.

C.N. Parkinson

Laatst aangepast op maandag, 04 mei 2020 07:43  
Performance Support-ontwerpprincipes volgens Bob Mosher & Conrad Gottfredson
Gepubliceerd in Lean Six Sigma
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performance support werkplekleren workflow bob mosher conrad gottfredson

Bob Mosher en Conrad Gottfredson beschrijven in hun boek Innovative Performance Support - Strategies and Practices for Learning in the Workflow een aantal ontwerpprincipes en ontwikkelstrategieën die je helpen bij het bouwen van effectieve Performance Support-oplossing:

process proces backbone performane support

What you need to know


Sidekicks, planners, and quick-checks

... The time during performance has been the primary focus of Performance Support for decades. Allison Rossett, in her book Job aids and Performing Support: moving from knowledge in the classroom to knowledge everywhere, has called the solutions we build to support performers during this moment of time "sidekicks". One example of a sidekick is an online help system that provides the steps to follow while completing a specific task Another example might be a checklist.

Rossett has also introduced another time phase of Apply: the need to plan prior to actually performing. She calls these kind of performer support solutions "planners".  ... A planner could provide you the option to review, at a high level, the principles introduced in the course with links to all legal guidelines including highlighting those that have changed since you took the course. This performer support planner might also provide you the option to dive deeper into any principle including e-learning video bursts demonstrating each of the principles.

The third time phase of Apply is a critical area for any organization interested in continuous performance improvement. In this phase, following the actual act of Apply, performers conduct an assessment called a quick-check.


Overarching design principles

An effective job aids requires more than the right content in the right form (for example, paper, mobile device, or Web page). A job aid is usable to the degree that it can be readily scanned, quickly read, and comprehended appropriately. If performers must labor to achieve this, many will opt to go elsewhere for their Performance Support.
There is much you can do to help performers rapidly grasp what they need to obtain from a job aid. Typography and graphics can help performers achieve greater understanding in less time if used appropriately.

... To make a job aid as usable as possible, you should take the following steps:

  • Incorporate structured writing
  • Write simply
  • Use typography to enhance readability
  • Establish proper graphic conventions

Guidelines for designing job aids for troubleshooting

The moment of Solve requires job aids that support the skill of troubleshooting. Often these PS tools need to help performers diagnose the cause of a problem and ascertain the solution. [A way of] doing this is to identify the most common questions and/or challenges that performers face in a specific performance area. Provide an explanation with a solution.
  • Provide decision trees
  • Provide trouble shooting tips
  • Provide links to troubleshooting concepts

Guidelines for designing learning bursts

A learning burst is a short training segment that focuses on a single concept or task. It can be combined with other bursts to become a complete learning module. Learning bursts can exist in different form factors: e-learning (internet, mobile), video, audio, recorded virtual instructor-led training (VILT), and annotated simulations.
Learning bursts support performers at the moment of Apply when they need to learn something New or learn More, or in some cases to rembemer.

Guidelines for making reference information accessible

There are times when the moment of Apply doesn't require a planner, sidekick, or quick-check. All that is needed to ensure effective performance is access to the right information. In these instances, performers have the skills, but the information required to complete the task has changed or was never internalized because it is always changing, too vast, or infrequently needed. Whatever the reason, many times performance needs information that the performers lack. In these instances the Performance Support strategy needs to provide intuitive access to the right content in the right form.

Zie ook:

Alias: Werkplekleren

Bron: Innovative Performance Support - Strategies and Practices for Learning in the Workflow, Conrad Gottfredson, Bob Mosher


Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 20 februari 2021 19:25  
Mismanagement volgens Peter Scholtes
Gepubliceerd in Citaten: management
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95% of changes made by management today make no improvement.

Peter Scholtes

Laatst aangepast op maandag, 04 mei 2020 07:41  
Omdenken met Kenneth E. Boulding
Gepubliceerd in Citaten: omdenken
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If we saw tomorrow’s newspaper today, tomorrow would never happen.

Kenneth E. Boulding

Laatst aangepast op maandag, 04 mei 2020 07:40  
Dynamisch coachen (boekentip)
Gepubliceerd in Boeken over persoonlijke effectiviteit
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dynamisch coachen zingeving resultaat

Dynamisch coachen
Balans tussen zingeving en resultaat
Ans Tros

Bij Bol.com | Managementboek



Laatst aangepast op zaterdag, 09 mei 2020 18:31  


Whether individuals or organizations, we follow those who lead not because we have to, but because we want to. We follow those who lead, not for them but for ourselves.

Simon Sinek







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