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Home Lean Six Sigma Belangrijke begrippen Lean Six Sigma - Business Process Model Notation (BPMN)
Belangrijke begrippen Lean Six Sigma - Business Process Model Notation (BPMN)

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Business Process Model Notation (BPMN)



Elementen BPMN
- Activiteit
- Flow (opvolging, berichten)
- Events (start, eind, intermediate)
- Pools/lanes
- Data-object


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Business Process Model Notation (BPMN)

Standaard grafische specificatie-taal voor het modelleren van processen, beheerd door de Object Management Group.

Bron: Het BPM boek - theorie en praktijk van procesgericht organiseren, Aty Boers & Nico de Graaf


proces processen process bedrijfsproces

De Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is een standaard voor procesmodellering. Eerder stond het bekend als Business Process Modeling Notation. Het wordt onderhouden door de Object Management Group. De huidige versie BPMN 2.0.2 is gelanceerd in december 2013.

Bron: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Process_Model_and_Notation

proces processen process bedrijfsproces

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) provides an industry-standard language for modelling business processes in a form that is accessible by both business users and technical developers. BPMN is designed to cover many types of modelling, including both internal (private) processes and collaborative (public) processes. It can be the input to process automation technologies. A key feature of BPMN is its ability to distinguish the activities of different participants in a process with pools and swimlanes. When the flow of work crosses the boundary of a swimlane, responsibility for the work then passes to another role within the organization. Swimlanes are part of a pool A pool is a self-regulating (free-standing) business entity, typically an organization or a system. A pool may include a number of swimlanes, each of which represents a role. Commonly, a process includes one pool for the customer and a second pool for the organization under study, although it is possible for a process to include any number of pools.

Bron: A Guide to Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (Babok), IIBY

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