Learning Experience (LX)
"A learning experience is any interaction where a person learns something."
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Wat er nodig is = Learning Experiences
Iedereen leert anders. Het liefst leer je op een moment dat het jou uitkomt, op een manier die bij jou past. Het is ook nog eens zo dat je makkelijker (en beter) leert als je ‘ervaart’. Daarom zijn Learning Experiences nodig in organisaties. Leerervaringen die zoveel mogelijk geïntegreerd zijn in de workflow, op de werkvloer. Veel verschillende leerervaringen bovendien, zodat iedereen kan kiezen wat hij wil. Die werkvloer, dat is precies de plek waar de L&D’ers ook moeten zijn. In plaats van vaste trainingen en cursussen, maken ze nu een steeds veranderend aanbod voor lerenden en begeleiden ze lerenden bij hun optimale learning journey. Het liefst op een Learning Experience Platform (LXP).
In het tijdperk van gepersonaliseerd leren zijn L&D'ers minder bezig met een aanbod en aankruisvakjes. In plaats daarvan stellen ze lerenden in staat om hun volle potentieel te ontwikkelen
Bron: Learning & Development: een nieuwe definitie?
Learning Experience
Learning experience refers to any interaction, course, program, or other experience in which learning takes place, whether it occurs in traditional academic settings (schools, classrooms) or nontraditional settings (outside-of-school locations, outdoor environments), or whether it includes traditional educational interactions (students learning from teachers and professors) or nontraditional interactions (students learning through games and interactive software applications).
Because students may learn in a wide variety of settings and ways, the term is often used as a more accurate, preferred, or inclusive alternative to terms such as course, for example, that have more limited or conventional connotations. Learning experience may also be used to underscore or reinforce the goal of an educational interaction—learning—rather than its location (school, classroom) or format (course, program), for example.
The growing use of the term learning experience by educators and others reflects larger pedagogical and technological shifts that have occurred in the design and delivery of education to students, and it most likely represents an attempt to update conceptions of how, when, and where learning does and can take place.
Bron: https://www.edglossary.org/learning-experience/
What is learning experience design?
Learning experience design (LX design) is the process of creating learning experiences that enable the learner to achieve the desired learning outcome in a human centered and goal oriented way.
Learning experience
Learning experience refers to any interaction, course, program, or other experience in which learning takes place, whether it occurs in traditional academic settings (schools, classrooms) or nontraditional settings (outside-of-school locations, outdoor environments), or whether it includes traditional educational interactions (students learning from teachers and professors) or nontraditional interactions (students learning through games and interactive software applications).
Because students may learn in a wide variety of settings and ways, the term is often used as a more accurate, preferred, or inclusive alternative to terms such as course, for example, that have more limited or conventional connotations. Learning experience may also be used to underscore or reinforce the goal of an educational interaction—learning—rather than its location (school, classroom) or format (course, program), for example.
Bron: https://www.edglossary.org/learning-experience/
A wide variety of experiences across different contexts and settings which transform the perceptions of the learner, facilitate conceptual understanding, yield emotional qualities, and nurture the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes. In educational settings learning experiences are ideally challenging, interesting, rich, engaging, meaningful, and appropriate to learner needs. Previous learning experiences are considered to be key factors predicting further learning.
Bron: http://www.ibe.unesco.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Publications/IBE_GlossaryCurriculumTerminology2013_eng.pdf