As Ackoff taught us, if you go wrong doing the right thing you will learn, whereas if you go wrong doing the wrong thing you won’t learn and you risk doing the wrong thing wronger.
John Seddon
As Ackoff taught us, if you go wrong doing the right thing you will learn, whereas if you go wrong doing the wrong thing you won’t learn and you risk doing the wrong thing wronger.
John Seddon
People with different skills have to work together to deliver product features. Don’t build features that nobody needs right now. Don’t write more specs than you can code. Don’t write more code than you can test. Don’t test more code than you can deploy. (…) Pretty simple to describe in theory. Some subtlety in practice. A kanban is a tool, and like any tool, it is meant to solve a problem. I think kanban solves this problem more efficiently than the known alternatives. Corey Ladas |
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