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Home Lean Six Sigma De herkomst van het Toyota Production System volgens Art Smalley
De herkomst van het Toyota Production System volgens Art Smalley

brief investigation into origins toyota production system art smalley art lean

In A Brief Investigation into the Origins of the Toyota Production System (pdf) beschrijft Art Smalley de herkomst van het Toyota Production System (TPS) en behandelt hierbij de lean-concepten Jidoka, Just-in-time, SMED en gaat ook in op de rol van Shigeo Shingo bij Toyota:

art smalley brief investigation origins toyota production system

There is unfortunately little that is well under stood by most people about the historical development of the Toyota Production System.  Mostly anecdotes and stories are used in explaining the various origins of the system. (...) On the following pages I’ll highlight what is verifiable about history of the Toyota Production System for interested parties to learn more.

Bron: A Brief Investigation into the Origins of the Toyota Production System, Art Smalley (pdf)


Laatst aangepast op maandag, 29 oktober 2018 15:30  

What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.

T.S. Eliot



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