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Home Lean Six Sigma Lean volgens Michael Ballé
Lean volgens Michael Ballé

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Michael Ballé omschrijft op treffende wijze de essentie van Lean:

michael ballé lean

Seeking in Lean an alternative management system is largely missing the point. Lean is the next step in understanding management more deeply: 1/ first you've got to learn the craft to make stuff, 2/ then you create the bureaucracy to produce and deliver stuff every day, 3/ then you turn to lean to learn to keep that bureaucracy vital, responsive to customers and seeking higher performance by treating people as individuals. Lean is a method to do this. Lean is a learning system, not a management system - opposing lean to mainstream management obscures the issue: first manage and respond to challenges, then manage well by double-loop learning in studying your responses and adapting them.

Michael Ballé

Bron: Daniel Jones on LinkedIn: "What do you understand as the true purpose of Lean?

Laatst aangepast op woensdag, 27 juni 2018 06:05  

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